Dr. Oliver Bračevac

I am a compiler engineer, language designer, and researcher focused on advancing Scala 3, with a special interest in capture checking and developing static effect systems that are practical and user-friendly for developers. I am the compiler team lead at EPFL’s LAMP lab and part of Scala’s core decision-making team.
My general interests are programming languages, compilers, and formal verification. More details are available in my (somewhat outdated) research statement:
[Research Statement] [Teaching Statement]
Previously, I was research engineer at Galois, Inc. contributing to DARPA projects on user-friendly verification tools for C (PROVERS) and memory-safe imperative functional programming languages (V-SPELLS).
Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue, PurPL collaborating with Tiark Rompf on Scala LMS, high-performance symbolic execution, and Rust-style ownership type systems for Scala-like languages.
I earned my PhD from TU Darmstadt under the guidance of Mira Mezini, researching effect handlers for reactive and stream-based systems.
Earlier in my career, I worked as a systems and software engineer in the IT/telco industry.
Oct 3, 2023 |
Polymorphic Reachability Types |
Jul 1, 2023 | Graph IRs for Impure Higher-Order Languages accepted at OOPSLA 2023! |
Dec 9, 2022 | Compiling Parallel Symbolic Execution with Continuations accepted at ICSE 2023! |
Jun 23, 2022 | New paper at ECOOP: What If We Don’t Pop the Stack? The Return of 2nd-Class Values. |
Jan 1, 2022 | I am teaching Compilers: Principles and Practice (CS352) again this spring semester. |
Selected Publications
- POPLPolymorphic Reachability Types: Tracking Freshness, Aliasing, and Separation in Higher-Order Generic Programs
- OOPSLAGraph IRs for Impure Higher-Order Languages: Making Aggressive Optimizations Affordable with Precise Effect Dependencies
- ICSECompiling Parallel Symbolic Execution with Continuations
- ECOOPWhat If We Don’t Pop the Stack? The Return of 2nd-Class Values
- OOPSLACompiling Symbolic Execution with Staging and Algebraic Effects
- ICFPVersatile Event Correlation with Algebraic Effects
- OOPSLAA Co-Contextual Formulation of Type Rules and its Application to Incremental Type Checking